SWOT TOWS Analysis of the Jaspis Resort


Example “SWOT TOWS Analysis of the Jaspis Resort” containing a description of the company, valuation of factors, detection of dependencies, evaluation for each strategy variant, and a description of further strategy implementation.

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  • Complete example of SWOT TOWS analysis
  • 29 pages
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A complete example of SWOT TOWS analysis of the Jaspis holiday resort containing a description of the company, valuation of factors, detection of dependencies, evaluation for each strategy variant, and a description of further strategy implementation.

You can check the process of creating a SWOT TOWS analysis and the structure of the document for free in the article “SWOT/TOWS Strategic Analysis Step by Step“. The presented example of SWOT TOWS analysis was created according to the guidelines contained there.


1. Assessment of the Current Situation
1.1. Company Environment
1.2. Industry Description
1.3. Target Market
1.4. Competitive Analysis
2. Company Mission and Objectives
2.1. Company Mission and Vision
2.2. Short-Term Objectives
2.3. Long-Term Objectives
3. Identification and Description of Factors
3.1. Factor Evaluation
3.2. Strengths
3.3. Weaknesses
3.4. Opportunities
3.5. Threats
4. Evaluation of the Strategic Position
4.1. Determination of Weights
4.2. Analysis of Relationships
4.3. Summary of Results
5. Choice of Strategy. Conclusions
5.1. Strategic Objectives
5.2. Operational Objectives
List of Tables

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